
I am Alexandre, a Software Engineer and UX Designer based in Brazil.

"Technology is about leveraging human beings' capabilities."

I am a 29 years old being that is passionated about our species. Music, photography, arts and tech define me as a person. I am passionate for different cultures and the beauties they bring.

As a computer engineer, I strive to build tools that leverages what we have best as humans. My goal is to bring innovative software development and human-centred design together to give power to the people.

Black and white photo of me smiling.




My Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering and my two MBAs in User Experience and Startup Development give me an wide array of tools to transit between business, design and engineering teams, streamlining communication, creating a safe, noise-free collaboration environment, in order to deliver high-quality software.


As a human being, I’m always looking forward to build rich experiences for us as a community. Sharing and collaborating is an intrinsic part of me.

Latest Articles

  • Creating a ClojureScript App for the First Time - Pt.1

    Understanding the stack and building the project's foundation.

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  • Error Handling Made Composable with Vavr

    A functional approach to exception handling in Java.

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  • Null-Checking Done Right with Optionals

    Optional monad to better null-checks in your code.

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Human. Learner. Thinker.

There's more than that, though.